“Melanoma writes its message on the skin with its own ink, and it is there for all of us to see. Unfortunately, some see but do not comprehend.” -- Neville Davis , MD


  • Mark your calendars for this year's Miles for Melanoma Dallas Marathon: Saturday May 2nd at Bauchman Lake!
  • To register, e-mail Jean Schlipmann at: TheSchlip@tx.rr.com with your info filled into the template below.

The Epidemic

As the fastest growing cancer in United States and worldwide, Melanoma affects people of all ages, including children.

It is the most common cancer of young adults aged 20-30, the primary cause of cancer death in women of this age group, and the only cancer that can metastasize to all major organs

Melanoma causes:
~ 1 death every 60 minutes
~ 62,480 new cases diagnosed each year
~ 1 in 34 Americans at risk of getting it in his or her lifetime.

Yet the rate of screening has not increased, and the incidence of melanoma cancers and deaths are still on the rise.

Last year simultaneous marathons were held in 7 different U.S. cities and over $51,000 was raised on the same day.

Every year students from the UT Southwestern Dermatology Interest Group (DIG) come out to Bauchman Lake to support the Dallas Miles for Melanoma Marathon.

A dedicated team from (DIG) recruits participants for the Dallas Melanoma Walk, and provides publicity for the Melanoma Research Foundation and the James A. Schlipmann Melanoma Cancer Foundation.

To get involved, please contact our program coordinator:


The Walk

Saturday – May 3, 2008
Bachman Lake
3500 W. Northwest Hwy.
Dallas, TX 75220

FORMAT: Leisurely Walk, Run or Bicycle Ride (3.3 miles)
Pets Welcome

TIME: Kick-Off at 9:00am

FEE: There is no fee to participate.
Each Walker is encouraged to raise at least $50 in Pledges.

REGISTRATION: Registrations received by April 4th will
ensure a free t-shirt & goody bag.

2. WAIVER, &
Are Due the Day of the Event

To Register:

Fill in the following information and e-mail to: TheSchlip@tx.rr.com

· Name:
· Address:
· City/State/Zip:
· Phone:
· Email:
· T-Shirt Size: ADULT S M L XL or CHILD S M L XL
· Melanoma Survivor: Yes No
· Location: Dallas/Fort Worth

To obtain copies of the Pledge Sheet, Waiver form, and Donation Request Letters, click on the links in the green toolbar on the right.

For additional information, please contact Jean Schlipmann:
Phone: (972) 307-9325
Email: TheSchlip@tx.rr.com